Course Syllabus

Salem State College

Graduate School

EDU882, Multicultural Issues in Counseling Spring 2012


Time: Thursdays, 4:30-6:50 pm, Location: SB311

Professor: Mary Ni Office: Sullivan 203B

 Phone: 978-542-7076; email:;

Office hours: by appointment


(1.18.12 draft)


Course Description


This course explores issues related to ethnicity, race, class, gender, and physical difference as they affect counselors, clients and the counseling relationship.  Students are expected to engage in the learning process from a personal as well as intellectual perspective. 25 pre-practicum hours will be required.


Global Goals


  1. To more deeply understand the impact of multicultural issues in relationship to oneself and others;
  2. To examine and deepen one's understanding of the impact of culture, power and difference on the counseling relationship;
  3. To explore the implications of ethnicity, race, gender, family style, and cognition in the USA as these perspectives express themselves in the counseling relationship;
  4. To learn to apply course material and information in counseling and learning contexts;
  5. To develop a solid grasp of the kinds of multicultural issues which arise in counseling situations.


Instructional Objectives


Students will:


  • Participate in practice counseling and interviewing sessions to explore how personal experiences and relationships with people who are different from oneself can affect one's ability to be an effective counselor (goals 1, 2, and 4);


  • Read and reflect upon assigned material and texts and participate in small and large group discussions and papers related to these readings in order to share their knowledge and understanding (goals 1-5); 


  • Research and write a cultural paper (10-12 pages) on your own culture which deepens your knowledge and understanding of who you are, where you came from, and what kinds of dynamics and values make you who you are. (Include in this paper your analysis of your level of racial identity development and how you came to this level. In this part of the paper, show your understanding of one of the theories of identity development.) (goals 1, 2, and 3)


  • Successfully complete an interactive project and presentation relevant to researching an unfamiliar group of people different from one’s own. The culmination of this research will be a presentation to the class, and a written summary of findings. (goals 1-5)


  • Write a final process paper (5-7 pages) that reflects the critical examination of your learning through the consolidation of theoretical concepts and readings with personal experiences, class proceedings, self-reflections and other relevant literature. Include in this final paper an examination and assessment of what you learned and observed from your classmates and a self-evaluation grade with rationale. (goal 2)


Assessment  Note: Each student is responsible for completing all course requirements and for keeping up with all that goes on in the course (whether or not the student is present).


  • 10% for thoughtful class attendance and participation. You should plan to be on time, attend and effectively participate in every class. Because of the high expectation regarding each member's class participation, more than 3 missed classes will result in a failing grade. 


  • 40% for completion of out of class assignments and concurrent reflection papers


  • 20% for personal cultural paper (10-12 pages)


  • 20% project and presentation


  • 10% for the final process paper (5-7pages) and group feedback exercise.


Written assignments and oral participation will be evaluated on the quality, substance and thoughtfulness of your critical analyses, not on the personal nature of any revelations. Two important elements to consider include: (1) the ability to discern and write about objective and subjective perspectives related to the applications of counseling theory to practice; and, (2) the ability to reflect upon and articulate counselor and client processes. Other important criteria include clarity, thoughtfulness, thoroughness, timeliness, effectiveness of the communication, legibility and grammatical correctness.  There will be no final exam in this course.


D.O.E. Subject Matter Knowledge Covered


e.         Theories of normal and abnormal intellectual, social, and emotional development (particularly, ethnic/racial identity development);

g.         Philosophy, principles and practices in school guidance counseling (with emphasis on working with populations different from the mainstream);

j.          Resources within the school system or the community for referral;

l.          Group counseling and group leadership;

m.        Development of skills for consultation with parents, teachers, and administrators.


Equal Access Statement: Salem State College is committed to providing equal access to the educational experience for all students in compliance with Section 504 of The Rehabilitation Act and The Americans with Disabilities Act and to providing all reasonable academic accommodations, aids and adjustments. Any student who has a documented disability requiring an accommodation, aid or adjustment should speak with the instructor immediately. Students with Disabilities who have not previously done so should provide documentation to and schedule an  appointment with the Office for Students with Disabilities and obtain appropriate services.

Critical Emergency Statement: In the event of a college declared critical emergency, Salem State College reserves the right to alter this course plan. Students should refer to the Salem State University web page for further information and updates. The course attendance policy stays in effect until there is a college declared critical emergency. In the event of an emergency, please refer to the alternative educational plans, noted below. Students should review the plan and gather all required materials before an emergency is declared.

Alternative Educational Plan:  In the event that class cannot be held, students should follow the assignments in the syllabus as closely as possible. If meeting with classmates is not reasonable, please continue with readings and papers. Further adjustments and directions will be given via email or phone messages.

Note on computer and cell phone usage:  Please refrain from using laptop computers or cell phones in this class unless doing a presentation or project directly related to class proceedings. This is intended to be a highly interactive class where participants are encouraged to engage with each other as opposed to taking notes or engaging with their phones or computers.

Required Texts

  1. Sue, Derald Wing and Sue, David. (5th edition, 2008). Counseling the Culturally Different. New York: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (ISBN# 978-0-470-08632-2). (S&S)
  1. Kivel, Paul (2002). Uprooting Racism. BC, Canada: New Society Publishers. (Paperback ISBN: 0-86571-459-2). (Kivel)
  2. Rothenberg, Paula. (2010). Race, Class, and Gender in the United States. New York: Worth. (ISBN-13-978-1-4292-1788-0) (RCG)

Class Topics (subject to change)


(1) Jan 19 Focus: Introduction to Course and class members.  Go over syllabus and introduce class members to each other through group and individual participatory exercises.

Assignment for class 2: Read S&S from the Preface through page 52 (including Chap 1 “The Multicultural Journey to Cultural Competence: Personal Narratives” and Chap 2 “The Superordinate Nature of Multicultural Counseling and Therapy”). Think about which elements of the reading you agree with and/or disagree with; that you find relevant or irrelevant to your own life experiences. Listen to a classmate tell the story of their lives and what influences helped make them what they have become to this point. Notice what it is like to listen to your partner and to speak, in turn, about your life experiences. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper emphasizing a certain aspect of the readings or listening session, including a question or perspective you would like to pose to the class for further discussion. Sign up to course EDU882 on Canvas.

(2) Jan 26 Focus: Emotional Literacy (the brain/heart connection): An essential ingredient in multicultural counseling

Assignment for class 3: Read from S&S, Chap 10, "Racial and Cultural Identity Development in People of Color: Therapeutic Implications" and Chap 11, “White Racial Identity Development: Therapeutic Implications,” and read all of Part I in Kivel, “What Color is White?” ( Meet with a classmate to have a listening session about your lives, and to listen to each other discuss what ideas and feelings are evoked by the readings, self-observations and class dynamics. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper emphasizing important aspects of the readings and listening session, including a question or perspective you would like to pose to the class for further discussion.  Also, bring in three “show and tell” items to share with the class that symbolize who you are and what matters to you.

(3) Feb 2 Focus: (a) Cultural sharing, and (b) Racial Identity Development

Assignment for class 4: Complete your cultural paper. In this paper, include possible interviews, references, class readings, and other outside sources. You might also include such elements as family history, habits, rituals, growing up memories. Be sure and include a rationale and explanation of the level of racial identity development in which you find yourself.

(4) Feb 9 Focus: Our own cultures. Discuss readings and papers. Possible demonstrations and role play.

Assignment for class 5 Read from S&S, Chap 7, "Culturally Appropriate Intervention Strategies” and Chap 8, "Multicultural Family Counseling and Therapy. Meet and listen to a classmate reflect on his or her own family dynamics, family rules, and family interactions. As you take your turns, reflect, also on what in the readings might relate (or not) to your own family experiences. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper emphasizing important aspects of the readings and listening session, including a question or perspective you would like to pose to the class for further discussion.

(5) Feb 16 Focus: Families and Culture. Discuss readings and papers. Possible demonstrations and role play.

Assignment for class 6: Read from S&S, Chap 3,"The Politics of Counseling and Therapy" and Chap 4, “Sociopolitical Considerations of Oppression: Trust and Mistrust in Multicultural Counseling and Therapy". Meet and listen to a classmate reflecting on your experiences with trusting other people (family, friends, counselors, teachers, people in authority, etc.). Think about what helps you to trust someone as well as what builds up mistrust. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper emphasizing important aspects of the readings and listening session, including a question or perspective you would like to pose to the class for further discussion.

 (6) Feb 23 Focus: Politics of Counseling. Film: Color of Fear

Assignment for class 7: Read from S&S, Chap 14, "Counseling African-Americans.” Read 3 articles and one law from RCG text relevant to the experience of African Americans. Read from Kivel, The Effects of History, African Americans, pp.130-139. Meet with an African American, and ask questions that will allow you to learn about his or her life and struggles. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper emphasizing important aspects of the readings and listening session, including a question or perspective you would like to pose to the class for further discussion. List in a reference section the articles and law you read.

(7) Mar 1 Focus: Counseling African Americans. Project Presentation. Discuss readings and papers.

Assignment for class 8: Read from S&S, Chap 5, "Racial, Gender, and Sexual Orientation Microaggressions”, and Chap 6, “Barriers to Multicultural Counseling and Therapy," and Chap 9, “Non-Western Indigenous Methods of healing”. Also read all of Part II in Kivel, “The Dynamics of Racism” (pp.50-85). Meet with a classmate to have a listening session about your lives, and ideas/feelings/concerns/questions evoked by the readings, self-observations and class proceedings. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper emphasizing important aspects of the readings and listening session, including a question or perspective you would like to pose to the class for further discussion. Please reference all quotes.

(8) Mar 8 Focus: Healing and the Interference of Racism

Assignment for class 9:  Read from S&S, Chap 12, Counseling Asian Americans". Read 3 articles and one law from RCG text relevant to the experience of Asian Americans. Read from Kivel, The Effects of History, Asian Americans, pp 140-146. Meet with an Asian American, and ask questions that will allow you to learn about his or her life, successes and struggles. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper emphasizing important aspects of the readings and listening session, including a question or perspective you would like to pose to the class for further discussion. List in a reference section the articles and law you read.

March 12-16 Spring Break, no classes!

 (9) Mar 22 Counseling Asian Americans. Project Presentation. Discuss readings and papers.

Assignment for class 10: Read from S&S, Chap 12, “Social Justice Counseling/Therapy”, and all of Part III in Kivel, “Being Allies” (pp. 86-108). Meet with an agency or community organization that advocates for some kind of social justice and counseling for a particular population of people. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper emphasizing important aspects of the readings and agency/organization, including a question or perspective you would like to pose to the class for further discussion. Please reference any quotes.

(10) Mar 29 Focus: Being Allies. Discuss readings and papers. Possible demonstrations and role play.

Assignment for class 11:  Read from Kivel, all of Part V, “Fighting Institutional Racism” (pp. 160-200), and all of Part VI, “Democratic, Anti-Racist Multiculturalism” (pp. 202-229). Meet with a classmate to have a listening session about your lives, including any ideas, feelings, concerns, and/or questions which are evoked by the readings, self-observations and class proceedings. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper emphasizing important aspects of the readings and listening session, including a question or perspective you would like to pose to the class for further discussion. Please reference all quotes. List in a reference section the articles and law you read.

 (11) Apr 5 Focus:  Fighting Institutional Racism. Possible demonstrations and role play.

Assignment for class 12: Read from S&S, Chapter 17," Counseling Hispanic Americans". Read 3 articles and one law from RCG text relevant to the experience of Hispanic Americans. Read from Kivel, The Effects of History, Latino/as, pp 147-153.Meet with a Hispanic or Latino/a American and ask questions that will allow you to learn about his or her life, successes and struggles. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper emphasizing important aspects of the readings and listening session, including a question or perspective you would like to pose to the class for further discussion. Please reference all quotes.  List in a reference section the articles and law you read.

 (12) Apr 12 Hispanic Americans. Project Presentation.


Assignment for class 13: Read from S&S, Chap 23, Counseling Sexual Minorities; Read 3 articles and one law from the RCG text relevant to the experience of the GLBT population. Meet with a GLBT individual and ask questions that will allow you to learn about his or her life, successes and struggles. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper emphasizing important aspects of the readings and listening session, including a question or perspective you would like to pose to the class for further discussion. Please reference all quotes. List in a reference section the articles and law you read.

(13) Apr 19 Focus: GLBT Issues. Project Presentation.

Assignment for class 14: visit/volunteer at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter, and interact with staff and clients. Ask a resident if they would be willing to talk to you about their life and circumstances. Read 3 articles and one law from RCG text relevant to class issues. Write a 2-3 page reflection paper emphasizing important aspects of the readings, visit, and listening session, including a question or perspective you would like to pose to the class for further discussion. Please reference all quotes. List in a reference section the articles and law you read.

(14) Apr 26 Focus: Class Issues. Project Presentation.

Assignment for class 15: Complete your final paper.

(15) May 3: Final class exercise. Pass in final papers.

Course Summary:

Date Details Due